Sunday, October 29, 2006

Quick update for the week...

Just an fyi, I might not be posting much here for a bit. Things are in an ugly place for me right now, and besides the bit o' depression and problems with needing to put on a happy face regardless of them all, I've lost my job, sprained my ankle, and USC fell to #9 on the BCS due to their absolutely fabulous loss to Oregon State last night.

I'm sure I'll be in the mood to update again sometime next week. I hope. Maybe after I figure out the job thing, anyway.

Thanks to those of you whove been reading lately!! I'll try to be more upbeat in my next post, I promise.

Monday, October 23, 2006

It's already happening...

Last week, I was having a hard time at work, running on very little sleep (for me, anyway) and feeling the stress of my constant attempts to lose weight (which consistently go no where, and can be very frustrating/troublesome/tedious/etc, etc, etc...). So when Jesse didn't come home at his usual time on Thursday, and I wanted to go to bed since I needed to wake up at 5 on Friday to go workout, I sent him a text message to find out if he'd be home soon.

No response.

I waited 10 minutes, and called him at about 10:40. He was having a beer, he said. He was on his way out and would be home soon.

I have this thing about schedules...while I know that Jesse's isn't "normal" in any sense of the word, if he's going to be home later than usual, I'd expect him to let me know. Just call me quickly, or send a text if he has time. Not a big deal. It's what I do if I'm even running just 15 minutes late leaving the office, even though I know he probably couldn't care less if I get home at 5:35 instead of 5:20, like usual. I see it as a common courtesy kinda thing.

So as we laid in bed that night, we "discussed" the issue for a bit. I can tell when he feels like I'm being a harpy, nasty old thing, and I didn't like that my request for a bit of courtesy on his part was bringing out that kind of tone. After a while, we just agreed to continue the discussion the following night, since it was getting late, and we both had early mornings the next day. We squeezed each other's hands, wished each other a good sleep, and drifted off.

After work the next day, I stopped off at the Moose to meet him for a drink and sat with some friends while I waited for him to finish his day and join us. One of the friends said, "So, I hear you're getting a jump-start on your wifely duties, eh?" Obviously, Jesse had shared with the group prior to my arrival, and now I needed to deal with the fall-out. I know this friend was just giving me friendly jabs...he's been married before and it didn't turn out all that well, I suppose. I replied, "Oh, wait a one of the things I need to learn once I get married is to just forget about my expectations of any kind of common courtesy on my husband's part?" "Well, YEAH!" my friend said.

He's funny.

After further discussion at dinner, Jesse and I came to an amicable point on the issue, I think. I told him that, as always, I think it's fine for him to hang out when he's done with his shift, have drinks, talk with friends, and enjoy himself as much as he wants to. But just let me know when he's planning on doing that, so I don't sit up well past my bedtime waiting for him to relieve me of the puppy-watching duties and hoping to see him before I hit the sheets. Because, had I known that he was planning on sticking around for an hour after he finished on Thursday night, I would have popped the puppy in her kennel, and shut things down at about 10:00. But I didn't know. And so I sat up and wondered. (It also can be kind of a pain to put the puppy down at 10 if Jesse is planning on coming in at 11 or so, since it generally wakes her up, and gets her scratching at her crate door looking for attention from the other parent in her life...) And I hate it when that happens.

So it begins...the fun of people mocking us for being newlyweds, dealing with these little quirky things we still have yet to figure out about each other, and all that good stuff that's bound to happen over the next 3 or 4 or 20 years.

I'm up for it, though. Thank goodness I think Jesse is, too!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Still not much going on...

This must be what it's like for a woman to be in the early stages of pregnancy. Nothing much happening for her except possibly some additional trips to the bathroom and the question of what to plan for this early, but still knowing that in about 9 (or in my case, 12) months, something BIG and life-altering will be happening. Unfortunately, when it's still such a far-off event, it's kind of a yawn-fest for everyone else to even think about!

This week, I had a review at work that included some complaints about my initial wedding-planning activities. It really pissed me off, to be frank, because (a) when else am I supposed to call vendors/churches/reception locations except during the week? They happen to have the same hours as me - 8 - 5 Monday through Friday. And from what I understand, they're usually kinda busy on Saturdays. And (b) the initial planning that I did do was very slight, involved calling 2 churches to see about their availability, sending out several e-mails to arrange to see certain reception locations, and didn't interfere with my work whatsoever. Now that I've found the church and the reception location, and possibly the caterer, I'm DONE with planning for now. And the whole comment that I got in my review about the office being "happy for [me]" and all, but that I needed to do wedding planning on my own time? Puh-lease. I asked my coworker if I needed to make up for the extra time I took during TWO LUNCHES when I went to see locations, and she told me not to worry about it. Apparently, our boss told her that if she's going to make decisions like that in the future, she needs to "check with [him] first." Mind you, this is a man that I'm not sure can even do laundry, he's always had someone else completing his tasks for him. I honestly don't understand where these uppity-ups come off telling their administrative staff that they can't take care of personal tasks - if they have the time to do so!! - while they're at work. Does he know how long I put off calling churches because my work schedule didn't allow me to? No. He's just heard that I was calling them, and that makes him angry. It really chaps my hide. I guess I should have had my personal assistant - a.k.a. our DOG - doing it all for me, right? Jeezy chreezy...


Work should be fine from now on, as the only tasks I need to complete in the next several months involves picking out my dress (will be doing that on weekends), picking out invitations (will also be doing that on weekends), registering (will eventually be doing that on a weekend...not soon, though), and all that good stuff. Jerks.

Jesse and I have a special wedding savings account that is slowly building up steam at this point in time. It's an account that can't be touched for anything other than using it for purchasing gifts for groomsmen and bridesmaids, for purchasing honeymoon tickets/paying for hotels, and that sort of thing. I'm hoping we'll have a decent amount of cash in there by the time another 6 months rolls by, but we'll have to see. He and I earn bonuses at such sporadic levels thanks to the funky businesses we're in, so while this next quarter promises to be really rather good to me, it's not so much to him. And Lord only knows what's gonna happen next year! We might have to cut out some of the date-nights we have...or at least change them up a bit so they're more stay-at-home dates, I guess. Those can be fun, too, right? But the point is that we're really making a very conscious effort to set aside a good amount of money each month, if possible, so that we can have a truly wonderful honeymoon. Because did you all know that the groom is supposed to pay for the honeymoon? Yeah, I didn't know that. And I would never ask him to bear the brunt of such an expense all on his own! That doesn't seem very friendly-fiance to me. we still don't know where we're gonna go, though. Someplace tropical...preferably that doesn't require the use of passports. That's what we're running on at this point. Suggestions are welcome. :)

Ok, I'd better get moving to finish up my work for the day. Just wanted to update a bit and get some stuff off my chest. Have a great weekend, everyone!