This past weekend was a blast and a half! Seeing my friends and my sister and my future family all in one place like that was beyond words. On Saturday night, probably due in part to exhaustion and maybe a bit of the heat, I cried. A LOT. No real reason for it…the tears just needed to come out. It started when I was on my way home from dropping my sister and our best friend off at their hotel, and then continued when I got inside and was grabbing a bite to eat after a long day of probably not having enough to eat up until that point. Jesse held me and let me cry on his shoulder, and then it was over almost as quickly as it began, and I finished my sandwich and went to bed.
Having everyone in town like that, and having people come to the shower to help celebrate my ability to finally snag a man after all these years…well, it meant a lot to me. I don’t think anyone I know thought I might be so lucky as to find someone like Jesse after all this time had passed (making me into the bitter, often non-complacent, almost-middle-aged woman that I am today!), least of all me. But I did. And I’m soooo, so lucky! (Not so sure about him, though…I mean, he is, after all, stuck with a bitter, non-complacent, almost-middle-aged woman now! Poor thing…)
Anyway, mucho fun was had. We had a barbecue at the house on Friday night, welcoming all that had traveled in from out of town to come to the shower, as well as some old friends that hadn’t even had the chance to meet Jesse yet, so that was great. Then we cooled down in the pool at the White Haven, only to return to our house so the girls could catch up on some creepy ghosty shows I had in the TiVo, while the boys went out and had some beers nearby.
Saturday morning was an utter meltdown of a morning for me. I’d rather just put that behind me and forget about it, if I can…
The shower was a BLAST! Drinks were flowing, the food was mighty tasty, the waiter (Raphael) was on top of his game, and everyone seemed to be having such a good time, I worried about whether we were bothering anyone else in the restaurant! Raphael assured us we were fine, and to make as much noise as we wanted. So we did. And it was good.
Later that night, we spent some time on Martini Corner (at about 31st and Main here in Kansas City, we have 4 or 5 restaurant/bars that make up a little section of town where people like to drink martinis…among other things, of course!) grabbing some food and drinks, and then headed out to play some pool and air hockey (I still can’t believe I didn’t win my air hockey games! Clearly, this marriage stuff doesn’t agree with me… :P) before we all went our separate ways for the night.
Stacey and Jason, I don’t remember getting to say a proper goodbye to the both of you, and I’m sorry about that! I cannot express how much FUN it was to have you in town for a visit, and how pleased both Jesse and I were to be able to spend some time with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to drive down here and be with us for the weekend. I hope you had fun, and that we didn’t drive you too crazy in the process! It will be wonderful to see you both again in just a few short months!
And to prove that good times were had, here are some of the photos documenting the damage done at the pool on Friday night. I haven't uploaded the photos from Saturday yet, so I'll get those up later this week. (Twin, please send me the photos you have, too. Because I think you got some good ones at the showah...)

Twin/Laura looks like she has an idea! was nothing. She's such a poser sometimes. (Heh.)
Lloyd can cannonball like NO ONE has ever cannonballed before! He won that contest, hands down...
Miranda is sexay...she says, "Look at my sexayness and be jealous, yo!" Believe me, we are, sista. Go and get prego again so you can be fat like me for a while, will ya? Buggar...
Thanks again to everyone for making the weekend as fun as it was. You guys are the greatest!