Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Except for one teensy thing. Our invitation vendor had checked with the post office on postage for the entire invite package, so I could check into ordering specialty stamps that I was interested in getting. We went over the price a couple of times, and she was sure that the entire invite should cost about $1.17 to send. I looked into stamp options, and unfortunately, the only stamp I could get that would cover that price was one for $1.31. No matter…I just figured that would surely get every invitation safely to their intended recipients.
So the invitation vendor had bad news for us when she arrived last night. She had returned to the post office one more time (I don’t know why she went this time…could be for another project) and the clerk asked her if she would be sending the items via parcel or flat. Apparently, one option sends the invites through a machine that could bend them, and the other doesn’t.
Also? The one option costs $1.17, and the other one costs $1.47. And the way our invitation is, it might not even BE an option to send them with the smaller amount of postage on them.
So. Now we have 120 stamps on their way to us, custom made with a picture of Jesse and me on them, which we will have to likely supplement with a second stamp of some certain value. Fun, huh?
The invitation vendor felt pretty bad, since she was trying to help us plan ahead by checking how much postage would be on our invites. Last night, she kept telling me to let her know how much extra we wind up spending on the postage so she can supplement the cost by lowering her final bill. But I think its fine, really. First off, the cute personalized stamp was just a fun extra bit we wanted to do. The fact that we now need to put another stamp next to it on the envelope won’t be that big of a deal, I’m sure. I’m willing to bet people won’t look at the personalized stamp and think to themselves, “Aw! How clever and cute that is…” and then see the additional postage and find the entire invitation “experience” ruined. I do know that it would ruin the experience to have postage due when the invite got there, so that is the important thing to avoid here!
But the main thing is that the invitations look beautiful, and I cannot WAIT to send them out! Today is a bit busy for post office visits, but tomorrow I’ll definitely get it taken care of, and then I just have to wait for the personalized stamps to arrive, and we can get them sent out.
This is getting scary. :)
Friday, July 27, 2007
Shower re-cap, and other bits...
Thank goodness it hasn’t been all work work work, though…for example, yesterday we went and bowled for charity in the morning and I got back to my desk at about 1 after bowling 2 games with my other 5 teammates. It was nice to get out and do something fun for charity! (My teammates and I have been practicing over the course of the last month, too. We went for extra-long lunches twice in order to prepare for today. So that hasn’t been all that terrible, either.)
Of course, things were a bit more stepped up over the last couple of weeks at work due to my vacation days I took last week. I went to California for a wedding shower that my sister threw for me, and I took last Friday and this past Monday off for travel. Saturday, the day of the shower, was perfect, and we had such a nice time! I was hoping to be able to see a lot of family and old friends that I don’t get to see very often, and the party did not disappoint in that respect. In fact, it didn’t disappoint in any respect! The food was great, the aforementioned weather was lovely, and everyone seemed to have as good a time as I had, which always makes things even nicer than one could hope.
We did have an odd occurrence during one point of the shower, though. See, we were on a lower level of patio seating at a restaurant on this little lake in Mission Viejo. We were at the one end of the patio, and were pretty well backed into a corner. The buffet was set up in that corner, and then the tables were along the railing looking over the water. Very pretty, well-situated, comfortable for everyone, etc…
Well, after we had all gotten our food and even been back for seconds, we settled in to take some pictures and chit-chat and that sort of thing before I opened presents. While we hung out, a few of us (if not all of us) noticed that one of the waiters from the restaurant was at our buffet, getting a plate of food…presumably for himself, but who knows. He finished filling up, we all kind of laughed, and then went back to chit chat.
After a few minutes, the chocolate covered strawberries my sister had ordered for dessert arrived, and we went to town on them. Yum! Then a waiter came to get orders for coffee, and we continued on with our chatting. (We did a LOT of chatting!)
Pretty soon after the strawberries had arrived, another “gentleman” showed up to our buffet. This guy was wearing a normal brown shirt, though, so I wasn’t sure who he was, exactly. Then a waiter arrived with the tray of coffee, he set them down on a table next to the present table, and then he went to the buffet to fill a plate. Note: he did NOT distribute the coffees to the guests who had ordered them…he just left them on the tray on a side table. For some unknown reason. (He must have been really, really hungry, I s’pose.)
This pretty well pissed me off. I was angry, and while my sister was a bit confused by the actions of the waiters as well, she just wanted to let the whole thing go for the time being and follow up with management later. In the meantime, these two guys were filling up plate after plate of our food, and then passing the full plates to the next level of the terrace to other waiting employees of the restaurant who wanted free food from our buffet.
Well, I couldn’t just SIT there like that! I decided to cheer myself up by taking a picture of the two food-stealers.

Eventually, they stopped coming to our buffet to eat our food, and we wound up taking home a lot of leftovers (although I think we all wished there had been more leftover tamales/sweet corn cakes, which I’m pretty sure the absconders had taken a good deal of. Jerks.), which we ate for the rest of the weekend. It was great!
It was sooo, so nice to see old friends of my mom and dad’s (who are now friends with my step mom and still my dad, of course!) whom I haven’t seen since dad’s wedding. And my aunts that I never get to see, and my step aunts, and my cousins, and step sister once removed. One of Jesse’s aunts was there as well, and it was awesome to be able to spend some time with her like that before the wedding. She’s a hoot! Unfortunately, other local family and friends of his family were unable to make it, but maybe we’ll be able to see some of them at the wedding! You never know…(There are more photos of the shower at the end of this post, by the way...)
So for now, the pre-wedding parties are over. At this point, I’m finalizing plans with the caterers, the florist, and the invitations. I need to put together a vendor list for my coordinator (and also just to help me keep my sanity, if possible…), and after we know who and how many will be coming to the wedding, I’ll order table names and have the table “assignments” printed out. I hate that I have to wait until the last minute to get those things done, but it is what it is!
Tomorrow I’ll be going to the salon for a second hair trial, since the first one didn’t turn out as I’d have liked it to. I’ve got more pictures of examples, and a more defined idea of what I’d like my hair to look like, though, so hopefully that’ll help. If not, I’m afraid I’ll have to have a 3rd trial at a totally different salon. Which would be fine, I’m sure. It’s not like there are hard feelings in the world of hair-do’s, and I’m sure the girl I’m attempting to have it done by wouldn’t care much if I went someplace else. She’s a cool chick.
Alrighty, off to get some end of the week work done! (13 weeks to go! I have to try to keep my mind off of it, seriously…)
Here are some more pictures from the shower, though. This is of my twin, our best friend, and me. We like to laugh...
And these are two of my aunts on Dad's side, Yvonne and Ginny. Ginny is my godmother, and Yvonne is my twin's. (I think. We have a few aunts and uncles, so I might be off on that...) They are a couple of the sweetest people you could ever know, and I miss hanging out and seeing them on holidays at this point in my life. *sigh!* That kind of comes with the territory of choosing to live 1500 miles from your family, though, I guess!
Aunt Yvonne was married to my dad's brother, Bob. They were what we call (and I suppose lots of people call, really) "Irish twins" so it was beyond sad when Bob died 4 years ago from complications of a bout of pneumonia. He had something called Pulmonary Fibrosis, though, and was unable to recover like most healthy people might be able to do. I miss him. Yvonne won't be able to make it to the wedding, I learned, since she is going to be on a cruise at that point. It sounded like it will be a LOT of fun though, and I was just so grateful to have some time to chat and catch up at the shower like we did!
And here I am with my step aunt Yvonne (yep, another one!), and my step mom Yvette. Aren't they just the prettiest?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Hotel Info
The Sheraton created a little website for us, which was nice. The page includes a link you can use for booking rooms in our block, as well as a good amount of information about the wedding itself, the area the hotel is located in, and what kinds of ammenities they have to offer. But keep in mind, that page also states that "you are cordially invited to the wedding of..." and that does NOT represent any kind of formal invitation to the wedding by any means. The readers of this blog should only be folks that are, indeed, invited to the wedding, but please be mindful of that info if you should choose to forward the link out to anyone. I'd hate to have any misunderstandings due to that bit of info on that page, but I think the webpage is too helpful to not pass along as well. Double-edged sword, really...
The Marriott didn't create a webpage, but if you utilize this link, it will take you to their reservation page for the Plaza location, and our group code is already entered for you when you go to make reservations there. (Group code is ldwldwa in case it doesn't populate, for some reason.) It also gives info about the hotel, has photos of their rooms, etc...to help you choose the right hotel for you for the weekend.
There are loads of other hotels in the area as well. Marriott has a couple of others, and there's a Hampton Inn right across the street from the Sheraton Suites we'll be staying at. There's also an Embassy Suites not too far from the Plaza (between the Plaza and Westport, respectively), and several other hotel chains represented such as Holiday Inn and Best Western. If you look into any of those hotels, just be sure to look for Plaza/Westport locations, and not downtown. While there are, indeed, several very nice hotels downtown that I would be happy to recommend, they are also a bit further from where we will all be located, so I hesitate to mention them as a #1 option. Let me know if you want more info, though, and I'll be happy to pass it along!
More posts to come. We had a wedding shower this past weekend in California that I want to talk about, but the time is running thin this week due to work catch-up and home issues. I'll try to post some pictures and stories soon!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Breaking in, schmeaking in...
Ok, first of all, OUCH!
And second? OOUUUCH!
These shoes are NOT going to be fun to "break in". I've been buying a brand of Aerosoles called What's What for my work shoes lately, and they've spoiled my feet, it seems.
So the plan is to wear the shoes around the house a little bit each night, and I'm gonna buy some Foot Petals for them as well, and hope that helps. The biggest problem area is under the ball of my foot, which makes sense, so the Foot Petals should do the trick. Just have to get them, is the thing...
Wish me and my feet luck!
Friday, July 13, 2007
The sample centerpiece...

Jess didn't like the arrangement as much as I did. He feels that there should be more separation between the flowers and the base. Drue (our florist) had cut the roses really short, so it was hard to play with the arrangement much, but we pulled some up and took the picture below to get an idea of what might make him a bit more happy.

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Let’s see…the florist is coming over to our house tonight to show us a sample centerpiece she’s creating for us, so we’re sure of the design, and we’ll know if we need to add or remove anything for the final product. I can’t wait to see it! I’ll take pictures of it for sure, and will share them when I can.
Next week is when I get to go to California for the shower my twin is throwing for me there. We’ve had a few interesting replies regarding the party from people that don’t really know me, though. One person called my twin and asked her who I was, since the invitation to the shower just mentioned my name and not Jesse’s of course, I guess there was some confusion. (I would have hoped that the Save the Dates we sent would have helped with that, but apparently they didn’t in some cases!) Another person sent a reply via mail and told my twin that she wouldn’t be able to make it to her daughter's shower, which is probably a good thing since my sister has two daughters that are under the age of 12 at this point. I’d worry about her if she was trying to marry them off already…:D
It’s been fun, though. Although the whole process has left us wondering about how it is people don’t know how to deal with the RSVP requirement to a formal party. This is something I’ve been hearing about for a while, due to my message board contact with other brides on wedding websites, and the like, and I’ve been getting prepared accordingly, but it’s still amazing to me that people don’t know they should RSVP to a party more than a week or two weeks in advance of it! Headcount is important to certain parties, particularly when being held at a location like a restaurant, and I guess I just don’t understand why people assume that we know they won’t be attending if they simply don’t reply at all. It’s not something to feel bad about, by any means…not everyone’s schedule allows for attendance at every event they’re invited to, of course. No excuses are necessary…no explanations are needed. Just a simple email or phone call stating that they won’t be able to make it is all that need happen.
And the people that just show up without warning that they’re coming (via a proper RSVP, I mean…), well, that’s just plain rude. I’m sorry…I don’t know if people are gonna think bad things about me saying this, but you simply should not show up at a party without giving some notice to the host/hostess. A barbecue, or a relaxed gathering at someone’s home…ok then. That’s understandable. But a formal get together like a shower of any kind, or a wedding, or something like that? It’s just not fair to the host/hostess who planned the party!
I’ve also heard, via those wedding message board thingies, that people have experienced a fair amount of no-shows at their weddings as well. I can’t believe people would do something like that. I think most any host/hostess can understand when something pops up for one or two of their guests, like when someone gets sick and can’t attend, and they wish the best for them. But I heard of a girl who said she had an entire table not show at her wedding. And I cannot imagine what I would do in a case like that. The tasteless and tacky side of me (everyone has one, right? Heh…) would love to send people a bill after the wedding, charging them for the cost they incurred due to their impropriety.
I think people fail to realize that it’s not just a dinner they’re missing out on, or some drinks and dancing and cake. It’s also the cost of the rental of linens, china, and flatware in some cases. And the cost of the centerpiece for the table that was prepared to accommodate them, the menu that was printed, the favor that was ordered, and even the place card that was created for them. In our case, we will have a certain number of servers per guest, so it might be the cost of their hourly pay for a server that might not be necessary if 10 people who say they’re coming wind up not making it. It could mean a difference of literally hundreds of dollars in some cases, so it can be more important that some realize, I think.
I’m prepared to deal with this tactfully, although I honestly hope it doesn’t happen. A simple phone call as late as 2 or 3 days prior to the event is all that’s needed. But people should know that those that don’t show up after replying that they will be attending? They tend to be remembered after the fact. It’s glaringly apparent on those bridal message boards I frequent that it’s not an easy faux pas to forgive and forget about!
Again, I hope this hasn’t ruffled any feathers, as I know that the folks that read this blog have faboolous manners, and really genuinely care about Jesse and I and know how much we’re putting into getting our wedding together so the celebration of our union will truly be a fun and joyous one to attend. We’re getting more and more excited as the months come and go, and we get closer to the actual day of the wedding! (It helps that football season is around the corner, though…that should keep us effectively preoccupied for those last couple of months, I think. I cannot wait to see what happens with that USC vs. Notre Dame game the week before the wedding. Should be interesting…)
Friday, July 06, 2007
16 weeks and counting...
Wow. When I think of it that way, it's really rather intimidating. So I think I'll stop doing that, dammit. (Except now that I've done it, I probably won't be able to stop doing it...shoot, shoot, SHOOT!)
Jesse and I have started taking dance lessons in order to better prepare ourselves for our first dance together as husband and wife. While I'm ok at dancing as long as I'm being led by someone who knows a thing or two about swing, or cha-cha, or waltzes, or what have you, Jesse is an expert at one dance step, it seems: the rock-back-and-forth-slowly-turning-in-a-circle-a-la-junior-high/high-school-dances type of step. Our first dance song is a bit more...complex...than most songs usually are, and so we needed to get another couple of moves under our belt before whipping this baby out at the reception.
And, no...we aren't telling anyone what the song is that we're dancing to. No hints other than the fact that it changes pace during the song. To be exact, it changes pace and tempo. It's foooon.
Anyway, the dance lessons are going exceedingly well, and I hope I didn't just jinx it by saying so. *knocks on wood, just in case!* The dance teacher is a sweet guy who is starting to get just how quirky (and sort of obnoxious) I can be, and I think he feels sorry for Jesse because of it. It's very helpful when it comes to his teaching style, though. He's being somewhat hands-off (lovely) and is doing a great job of understanding how different Jesse and I are when we are absorbing the lessons. Jesse is more pragmatic when it comes to figuring out certain moves. He's got the box step of the waltz down. And he's getting better and better at the fox trot. But when we learned the pretty under-arm turn I get to do, if we want, he needed more to go on than just to lift his arm in the air so I can go under it during the step. He needed to know exactly when to lift the arm...what step is he on when he starts to raise it? One, two, - up arm! - three, one, two, three, one, two, - down arm! - three. It's not too fluid of a movement at this point...so right now, it looks a bit more like we're playing a one-armed version of London Bridges, I'm sure, but over time, we should get smoother with the move.
I'm less heady when it comes to learning this stuff. First of all, it's for fun. This is not a contest, or a performance, or anything like that, so it's just something else we're doing for the wedding, IMO. Not that Jesse isn't having fun with it, though...I think he is. It's just he does a lot more thinking about the dancing as we do it than I do. Which, let's be honest, is the boy's job in the dancing thing. So I guess it makes sense that he's being like that! Anyway, I've danced for a LOOOONG time. Started out with the ballet and tap and stuff when I was a kid, and then I did the Irish dancing as an adult for 2 years, so I've got it in me. Waltzes are my thang. The fox trot? Not so much, but I'm getting there. And let's not really talk about the turn step for the waltz...visually beautiful, but technically, it makes me dizzier than all get out, so I think we might avoid doing it much during our dance. Maybe for one stanza...we'll see.
The dance teacher even asked us in the middle of our lesson the other day if we both play an instrument of some sort. I think he was impressed by our ability to pick up on tempo and timing. I told him I'm a singer, but Jesse doesn't have any musical background, really. But he IS really, really good at the rock-back-and-forth-slowly-turning-in-a-circle-a-la-junior-high/high-school-dances type of step, so maybe that's helped him for all these years without him even knowing it. Hmmm...
Anyway, it's been a fun addition to our wedding preparations over all. Much more fun than the getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym during the week, although I cannot express how awesome it is that he does that with me when he doesn't really need to! I found it interesting that we were both sore in totally different ways from our workout on Wednesday...we both did the same exercises. Sometimes he lifts/pushes more weight than me (sometimes I lift/push more than him! I have been doing the training for a lot longer than he has, though, so it makes sense. You don't wanna screw with my thighs, is the thing. Just a friendly warning...), and maybe I'm doing it in a slightly different manner, since our form during the exercise might vary. I dunno.
We have 4 more lessons to go, and I can't wait to see what we learn next! We need to practice first, though, so tonight, I think we'll be hitting the back yard. (It's the largest space we have for practicing in, so we thought it'd be fun to do it out there...) I certainly hope everyone enjoys it when we are able to do it on our wedding day! So excited...
As it is Friday, I will leave you all be now. Happy weekend, and I'll be back with more info next week!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
You Must Be THIS TALL To Enter This Wedding Blog
Seems there might be a little confusion about certain details of the day (and the weekend in general) that I really hope I can clear up a bit with this post. So here we go…
I’m an auntie to 9 lovely nieces and nephews who happen to reside in California and Texas respectively. (7 of them are in California, and 2 of them are in Texas.) The oldest is, what, about 15 now? 14 at least, anyway. The youngest will be about 6 months at the time of the wedding. We have 2’s, 6’s, 12’s…we have ‘em all, dammit. Babies to toddlers to pre-teens, basically. (I don’t count the oldest among the “children” anymore, since she’s actually a young adult, IMO.)
Besides those kiddos, I have a Maid of Honor who has a 1 year old little guy named Aiden (who will be about 1 and a half at the time of the wedding), and the Best Man has a daughter named Ava of almost exactly the same age, as she was born either the week before or the week after Aiden…I can’t remember which way it goes. Anyway, I’m hoping I can make a little baby hookup at the wedding for those two.
Ok, not really, but whatev.
One of my bridesmaids and Jesse’s groomsmen (Layla and Robb) will be having their first child here in the next few months. So we’ll even have an infant hanging out at the wedding.
I also have cousins that have children who will be invited, since they live in California as well. Not sure if they’ll be able to make it out to the wedding, but I sure hope they can!
It’s going to be a regular kiddo hoopla all up in this thing, and while it’s not exactly how I always dreamed it would be, it is what it is, and I am damn happy and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Most of these folks (my sisters, my brother, my Maid of Honor and Jesse’s Best Man, and my cousins) will be traveling into KC for the wedding from their respective locals in Texas, California, and Oregon in order to help us celebrate the nuptials, and we are so very, very happy and excited about this fact, we’re ready to burst! As such, we are making plans to have baby sitters available on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in order to help take care of kiddos and babies so that parents can have a great time while not having to completely tend to their children the entire time they are visiting in town.
Thursday night is the Parents’ Dinner night. Our parents haven’t met each other yet, so Jesse and I will be taking them all to dinner someplace (I think we’ve decided on a spot, but we aren’t totally sure yet…) so we can introduce them and chat a bit prior to the wedding. After that, the girls will be going our way (including FMIL and any of her friends that want to join the fray, and bridal party spouses – that means you, Amanda!), and the boys will be going theirs (again, including the FFIL and his buddies as well as bridal party spouses that want to go along) as a sort of bachelor/bachelorette party-type thing. This is when the baby sitters might come in handy, and I have yet to figure out how we’re going to do it, but I think we’ll just have them in one room at one of the hotels (perhaps my suite at the Sheraton…I’ll just have to lock up the dress and some of the other essentials in someone else’s room while we’re out and about) where they can order pizza and play games and watch videos and sleep and do other kiddo-type stuff.
Friday night is the rehearsal dinner night. After the rehearsal, the family and bridal parties (again, spouses are also included in this, in case anyone was wondering) will be off to our dinner to get to know each other a bit better, to hang out and pre-celebrate, and eat, drink, and be merry and all that. Baby sitters will, again, be available to help at the hotel during this time. My one exception would be for Layla and Robb, since I wouldn’t blame them one bit if they didn’t even want to be detatched for a teeny tiny second from their sweet new daughter at that point. It’s not a plan for the other kids to be invited, though. Hopefully that’ll be ok with everyone!
Saturday, kids are invited. Since I have such a large number of children-aged folks in my immediate family, we’ve planned a Kid Area at the reception (all you parents are on your own at the ceremony, though!) where we will have Halloween-type crafts, kid food to munch on, videos to watch, and comfy bean bag chairs (I hope, I hope, I hope…) to lounge on. I know that my Maid of Honor told me her mother is planning on attending the wedding (I wish the whole family could, gosh darnit!) in order to help her with Aiden, and that’s lovely of her. But I hope he’s able to hang out and have some fun with the crafty stuff, and enjoy the food we’re bringing in for them and all, too. (That way, MOH’s mom can come out on the dance floor and boogie down with us when she feels the desire!) The kids will be down the hall from the reception area, monitored by at least 3 baby sitters, and will be able to come and go as they please to that area.
The hope at this point is that the baby sitters from Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will all be the same people each time. That way, the kids will be used to them, and they will feel more comfortable hanging out with them after their first meeting. My wedding coordinator and I will be working closely to make this happen if we can.
So. There it is. Some of the basics that we’re planning for the weekend, in hopes of making things not only more fun for the parents, but also for the kids that will be making the trip to town for the wedding. I’ve asked my friends here in town if they would want to bring their children to the wedding, since there will be some there and all, and they’ve all assured me that they would prefer a kid-free night if they can have it, so I’m sending invites accordingly. I can certainly appreciate the fact that some parents might prefer a night out on the town without having to worry about their kids at all…heck, I don’t blame them one bit for that! So hopefully the availability of the baby sitters will make things a bit easier in that respect.
Really, though, I can’t express enough to everyone that reads this blog how excited Jesse and I are to share our new home town with you, celebrate our union with you, and to introduce our respective family and friends to one another. We are so deeply filled with gratitude to everyone who is planning on coming here for the event, and we want to make it as fun as we can for you while you’re here. For all of the folks that will be checking into the hotel blocks we’ve reserved, we will have information (and other goodies) waiting in your room for you when you arrive, making suggestions on restaurants, shopping, and other favorite hang outs for you to check out while you’re in town if you can. I hope that everyone’s visit here can help them see why it is that Jesse and I choose to live here as we do. Some photos below show images of some of my favorite things about the city…enjoy!
Downtown Skyline

Monday, July 02, 2007
I did have my hair trial on Saturday morning, which was a little bit o' fun. I'm afraid that after some careful thinking, though, I'm gonna have another one. I didn't like the way it turned out so much, and I want to make sure we have the right idea of what we're doing as we go into it, so I'll just make another appointment for one sometime in August and see how that goes. I liked the makeup, though, so we're good to go on that! Just the hair...not happy. Well, not as happy as I should be, I suppose I should say. I've got some other ideas of what we can do instead, though, especially now that I've seen what I don't want. I dunno...my hair is a pain in my bum, so I'll just leave it at that for now, mkay?
I promised more pictures from the shower weekend, though, and so here they are! Hope you likey...
Late on Saturday after we'd spent some time on Martini Corner with Valerie, Sharon, and Veronica, the bunch of us silly kids went out to play some pool and air hockey. We happen to know of a lovely place downtown called Balanca's (which doubles as a swinger bar in their downstairs section...don't ask me how we know that. It's an ugly story that involves very large women wearing far too little clothing doing gross things we didn't want to see them doing with scrawny biker-type losers wearing leather chaps over their jeans. God that was a weird night...) where they have an air hockey table that is fitted with a blacklight. We had to take the picture without a flash to give the full effect, but here ya have it. Blacklit teeth on myself, my twin, and Alisha:

As we were sitting eating bruschetta and drinking REALLY expensive beers and martinis at The Drop, we saw an...interesting car pull into the lot across the street from the bar. The picture below doesn't do the paint job on it justice. It was what I think Alisha refered to as being an "oil slick" look, where the colors kind of changed as the lighting changed on it. I don't know how else to describe it! I'm not sure just how the guy was disabled that was driving it, except that maybe he might be slightly retarded for spending what was probably a ridiculous amount of money on making the vehicle the way he wanted it, but at least he's able to get in and out of the car relatively easily, whatever his disfunction may be...the doors swung up instead of out! (They stayed that way even after he and his little group had walked away from the car and come into the bar we were in. I guess it needed airing out, or something...) Miranda and Alisha took a chance and got into a shot of the car for me. I hope they didn't catch anything too disgusting from being that close to the thing...

Ok, the picture below was one Miranda took of me and the Twin when we were on our way to Balanca's. I made it black and white at home because it suits the color of my face better when it's like this. (I have an unsightly vein under my right nostril that likes to come out and play when I least expect it. Yeah...fun.)
And here is the one and only picture I got with my camera at the shower! Still waiting for the Twin to send me the shots she got...
Somehow, this is also the only picture I got of Stacey and Jason with my camera, too. I wish I had more!
And now I must go and prepare for the end of the work day, as it is almost over and I am quite tired. Uploading photos is tough work!