Monday, January 29, 2007

DJ's in this day and age

I know it's weird for me to post more than once a month, but I thought I'd go ahead with it, just for kicks.

We're currently considering two different DJ companies for the wedding. While they're both local companies, one is part of a national company that handles DJ and videography services. It's hard to decide which one is the "winner" of our wedding, though, so I thought I'd go ahead and work it out here on proverbial paper...

First off, the locally owned company called me back first. The gentleman that left me a message had an awesome voice, and that was an instant plus for him. When I called him back, he was able to answer all my questions easily and he and his partner have the added plus of having already DJ'd an event at the location where we're having our reception, so that's nice. He understands what I'm talking about when I discuss the odd room shape, and where we think it'd be better for the DJ to set up for the evening, etc...

The other thing I like about him is that he has the partner that comes with him. They work together at the party, with one of them focussing mostly on setting up the future songs that will be playing, and the other one dealing with guest requests, announcements, and that sort of thing. Very cool.

The other company called me the following day. The guy talked a bit too fast for my taste (and I know that those who know me that are reading this are going, "Um, girlfriend? Yeah, ever had a conversation with you?" I know I speak really quickly, too, but I don't do it for a living, ok?), and had a packet he wanted to send me which he assured me would answer most of my questions. I still asked him some of the main ones I needed answered, and he did answer them without issue, but I felt like I was being rushed off the phone. Still, it's a national company, and they have phone numbers available to me of recent customers that I can contact for a personal reference on their services, so that's good. Their song list wasn't set up in as user-friendly a format as the other DJ I'd already talked to, but it still seems relatively comprehensive. They sent us a packet of info, as promised, which was pretty, but didn't answer all questions, but was still sort of helpful. It had a DVD in it that they wanted us to watch. It was boring, repetitive, and not too helpful over all.

Both DJ's charge about the same amount.

There was a 3rd DJ company that I contacted asking for info, but I never heard back from them, so they lose.

I'm leaning toward the 1st company that contacted me, not only because they were the quickest to respond, but because the guy was really well-spoken, answered all my questions patiently and completely, and I liked that he could send me info via e-mail, and didn't try to sell me something I wasn't asking for (namely the videography services that the second company apparently tries to upsell to all engaged couples, which I found annoying since we're not interested, but it was discussed anyway...). Jesse likes the idea of going with the first company as well, but I honestly don't know that he even cares. I need to discuss it with him more to get his take on it, I guess. We'll see.

Tonight, we'll be moving our old couch out into the garage where it will wait for it's pick-up tomorrow by the Federation of the Blind. We're receiving our new, more compact, more durable and sturdy couch tomorrow sometime between 9 and 11, and I can't wait! Now I'm obsessed with finding new bookshelves for the living room, which is proving a more difficult task than I had initially thought it would be. Had I thought about it when we ordered the couch, I have a feeling it would have been included in the one shipping charge that we were charged for the couch and the ottoman. Damn. So I'm trying to find something reasonable that won't cost another gazillion dollars to be delivered. (i.e. Pottery Barn has a lovely unit that costs another $150 on top of the purchase price for it's delivery. That's crazy...) I was hoping it wouldn't be this hard to find something, but I might have to actually go shopping in a store to find what we need. Depressing.

I'd best get back to work. I just found another thing that I might not be able to do, for some reason, and so my work continues to be in the form of having to find someone else who can do the job I need to do for me. It shouldn't be like this for much longer, thank goodness...

Happy Monday!

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