Ok, this was a very messy day in the house, but I wanted to take a photo of the new couch, and also happened to catch a view of the new lamp in the background as well, so there's that. It's a super-comfy couch, and I'm so glad we were able to get it! Even though Jesse, being a boy as he is, is seeming to already find ways to break it down and make it look as though we've owned it for years and years...and we've only had it since January, I think. I'm trying to stay on top of that, though, and am rotating the back cushions as often as they seem to need it. I don't know if it's how he sits on it, or if it's because the dog looks out the window while sitting on that side of the couch, but it's obnoxious. And it must stop...

And so then we were finally able to decide on a new shelf for the living room as well. Took another month after we had gotten the couch, but we ordered this one, and we've had it for about 2 weeks now, I think:
We love it! We actually fell in love with it as a 3-tiered shelf (that's only 2 tiers in the picture), but after measuring, and sitting in the room staring at the wall where I wanted to put it (which is how I "sketch" when I decorate...I use my imagination, mostly because I can't draw), I realized that 3 tiers would be WAY too huge for the room. It would dwarf everything else, and make the room look smaller. We looked for other shelf options, but really, really loved this one most of all, and then...THEN we discovered that we could buy it in 1-tier or 2-tier form, and did NOT have to buy it in it's full 3-tier mode. Not only was it cheaper this way, but it fits the room perfectly! I spend a little time each weekend updating it's contents and sifting through all the books and things I have to put in it. It is awesome and makes me very happy, indeed.
See, I've been using fake shelves for the past several years as I move from place to place. They've gotten considerably nicer over the years, that's for sure, but they were still all "fake" in that they aren't real wood, and I had to put them together myself after getting them inside of the place I lived. I gave myself a lifelong injury when I tripped over one of the fake shelves after leaving it in a partially-put together mode soon after I moved into my current house, as I was simply too exhausted to finish it, and the following morning I wandered out into the dark living room where I'd left it smack in the middle of my regular path to the light switch on the wall. I managed to fall over it and plant my left shin on the one shelf I had installed on it before I gave up putting it together the night before. I was lucky that I didn't hurt myself more, really, and I also felt pretty damned lucky that I no longer shared walls with any neighbors, because I don't think I've EVER screamed that loud before in my life. It hurt. It hurt bad. (And it's left a small dent and discoloration on my left shin after all this time. Somehow, I managed not to break anything, but yeah...dent in the shin. Awesome.)
So, the plan is to have a garage sale, at which I will sell two of our old "fake" shelves, our current kitchen table, our big ol' t.v., and several other small items not important enough to note here. We are looking to replace the current t.v. we have with an LCD HD-ready version, and we'd also like to purchase this:Yet another Crate & Barrel obsession for us! We don't like how our current table seems to take up a bunch of room in the kitchen. We want something that acts more "island-like" that also provides storage AND a place to eat, should we have company over. This table has the whole drop-down top going on, so it can become even smaller than it already is if necessary. It has wine storage, and little shelves, and oh yeah...I put a picture in, so you can see all of that already! Anyway, it's a taller table as well, at what they call "gathering height" which is not only better for me and my prep of food (sooo, so tired of bending over the sink!), but also just a good place to gather, should we have a gathering of any sort. It's the perfect size for our kitchen, is the important thing. When we put the house on the market next year, we want to show it at it's maximum capacity, if we can. The kitchen is really rather large...there's no reason a table can't sit right in the middle of it. But it just has to be the right sized table, is the thing...
Anyway, that's how things are lookin' right now. Not sure if we're going to be having the garage sale this week or next...depends on how much I'm able to do this week with regards to the shelves I want to sell. (Lots of moving of stuff is required, and I don't know if I'll have time to move stuff this week. We'll see...) But I'll be sure to update on it when we do have it! I've never had one, personally (I'm not much of a pack rat, really, so it was hard to think of what needed to be sold in the first place!), and I'm kinda nervous about it. But it's going to be a one-day sale, so hopefully, it'll go well! Did I mention the whole LCD HD-ready t.v. thing? Yeah, why do boys need toys like that anyway? We don't even HAVE HD in our house, for heaven's sake! Something tells me that we're going to need to get it, though. *sigh!*
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