Friday, May 18, 2007


I just wanted to take a sec to apologize to everyone who has asked if they might be able to stay at our house for the weekend when you come to town for the wedding shower.

First of all, it is so, SO generous of you to want to even travel here to spend that time with us, and we are very much looking forward to seeing everyone that will be able to make it! It's going to be fun to see you all a few months prior to the wedding (and I'm secretly hoping that whatever the secret is that Jesse is keeping from me will somehow slip out during the time we all get to hang out together. It's eating me alive to know there's a secret, but not have any clue what it might be about!), and to catch up and hang out in a relaxed, non-stressed environment for a couple of days.

But here's the caveat to all the pleasant fun visiting time: The house that Jesse and I live in is a temporary one. Don't get me's cute! But it's a little tiny. And I had A LOT of crap in it even before he moved in with me, and then we decided to get the dog. So now, there's even more crap than ever before! The whole house is 912 square feet (that's including the garage), which is standard for the houses in my neighborhood and amazingly housed a family of 7 before I moved in (don't ask me how...when I think about it at all, my head starts spinning a little bit), but which is now overflowing with clothing and dog crates and paperwork that I haven't taken the time to file in over 5 months, and holy crap don't make me think about it at all because I might turn and run the other way screaming and waving my arms in the air!

I was a single girl for 31 years before Jesse moved in last February. In that time, I had one older sister visit and stay with me one night in 2002 (I think), and then the Twin has ventured a visit or two as well over the last few years, but that is it. A whole of 2 visitors in aallll that time. (Well, I actually had two friends come and visit when I was living in Oceanside, CA in 1997, but I prefer not to remember that night if at all possible. It involved some Jaegermeister and then some throwing up off the balcony that was none too pleasant, and I also had a total of 3 couches at the time...all in a one bedroom apartment! So the guests were not only passed out at the time, but they were passed out on comfy couches. Which smelled of cat pee. But I digress...) I haven't had much need of a guest room, I guess is my point. When I was single, I would either let my twin share my bed with me when she came to visit, or she'd sleep on the couch, or whatever. The last time she came, she brought her 2 girls and they all stayed at the motor lodge (that I love and stay in myself when I have the need) which is down the street from where we live. Since Jesse and I don't even have the space for a blow-up mattress to be laid down anywhere, it was the only way we could do the visit, unfortunately.

We do plan, in the near future, to have a yard sale in order to get rid of a good amount of the clutter, and also in order to help us redecorate a bit more in the coming months. This is to help us prepare to sell the house next year, and hopefully be able to move into not only a bigger house, but a better one to entertain in. One which will have a proper guest bedroom and bath, so that we don't have to turn away guests in the future, and instead direct them to the local motor lodge. (Which really is very cute, and I've always loved it! Plus, they gots a pool down there, yo! WOO!)

Thank you again to those of you who are considering traveling here to KC to attend the shower, as well as the wedding in October. We really value the time spent with everyone this year, since we will be using vacation time to go on our honeymoon instead of being able to visit our respective homes at all.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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