Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Last minute purchases

Being down to the wire like we are, at this point I'm pretty well ready to just throw up my hands and say, "Do we have the space? Check! Do we have food ordered? Check! Do we have alcohol to serve? Check! Alright then...we're done!"

But there is that small part of me that wants the details all tidied up and looking nice, so we continue to push on to collect them together and make sure all is well in the land of menus, kids' sections, and coordinators on the ball.

With that in mind, it was finally time to put our nose to the gridstone and pick out a cake-cutting set and some toasting flutes, already! I've liked the following cake-cutting set for a while, and finally purchased it today at BB&B...

I, however, feel that the matching flutes are a bit too girly with their "Love Knots" theme, since they had little bows on them at the top of the stem. For some reason, I couldn't see my fabulous husband-to-be holding a glass with a bow on it in his hand to toast our marriage together. So we finally took some time to visit the extensive fine china section at the local Bed, Bath & Beyond together last week, and we found some options that might work well.

He honed in on a particular glass that I didn't have a problem with, and so we finally found our flutes!

It's about 30 inches tall* and they look really elegant and will definitely be a special addition to our glassware collection after the wedding. So I'm pleased we were able to come to a conclusion on that issue. I had wanted to go with a champagne saucer myself, but Jesse was kind of anti-saucer for some reason. It was getting tough to find a cool one that was going to be available to us in such a short period of time anyway (I could have ordered the ones I wanted had I started thinking about this sort of thing 3 months ago...they hand-make them in Italy, or somewhere), and I wanted something that made us both happy. Eh voila! C'est finit!

Now if we could just get our first dance down, we'll be golden.

*Ok, not really. But they are pretty tall comparatively! It's going to be fun to have them...

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