Sorry for the delay on posting around here. I've been thinking that I don't have much to post, but I've also been working. And then trying to fill out thank you notes here and there. And that takes up a surprising amount of my time, I've found! Tomorrow or Thursday, I'm hoping to have some photos to show the home improvement project that we're (hopefully!) finishing up tonight. We finally cleaned out the little bedroom and got it painted (I helped a little, but Jesse did most of it. It's so much handier being able to paint a whole wall without having to use the step ladder half the time!), and tonight I'm hoping we can finish it off by moving the furniture in there that we intend to put in. We're trying to envision different layouts with the desk and the little couch, or the desk and just a chair and a lamp. Or the desk and me lying on the floor in a puddle of frustration because I wish that room just had an extra foot and a half added onto it! (Seriously, the yard is huge...why didn't they just make the house a teensy bit wider when they built it? Makes no sense...) Anyway, I've taken before and during-the-painting pictures, so I just want to get some after photos, and then I'll be ready to post some stuff about it. It'll be fun.
In the meantime, how 'bout some more honeymoon photos? Here is a (very,
very dark) photo of the "activities room" we tended to hang out in at the resort at night. It's also where we took the Yahtzee game from for the week, since that was our main source of entertainment in our room, and all. Hopefully no one else wanted to play it! Not that I care, because if we didn't have that? I would've been a wreck by the end of the week! Anyway, that's me on the big couch in front of the t.v. If you can squint a bit, you can see that I was busy watching the end of the game that was on before the KU game came on that night. I can't remember what it was...Ohio State, maybe?

And here's a picture from the path that we were on when we were at The Baths on Friday. Very pretty! But there were very few places where it wasn't single-file. We were alone on the path at that particular moment, but there was a lot of waiting in certain spots when we ran into groups that were coming from the opposite direction...

Oh, this picture is out of place, but it was the picture I took of myself as we left the resort FOREVAH!!! I was very excited to be headed home.

And this is me in one of the grottos at The Baths on Friday. Yes, that's me in a bathing suit, and I don't care what anyone thinks about it. My sister-in-law said I was brave to send out photos of me in a suit. She's skinny, and she doesn't seem like she'd do such a thing. I don't give a flying fig. That's mah belly. Love it or leave it! (My personal trainer does NOT love it. He's currently working on eradicating the belly, and I don't like him much for it.) You can't really tell all that well due to the shadows, but my
ass looks fabulous...:D

And here's Jesse at the foot of one of the little path-helper thingies that are sprinkled throughout the path at The Baths. We had to climb the stairs, crawl through that hole in the rocks, and then climb down the stairs on the other side to continue on the path. There was a way around this path-helper that was a bit more treacherous, but we did it one of the times in order to avoid the massive amount of people waiting in line to get through the hole. Believe it or not, this was one of the easier path-helpers! My favorite was the slab of rock we had to climb up with the help of a was fun.

And that's it for now! More pictures this week, I promise. Hope everyone is having a good one!
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