Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Quick question...

Does anyone even read this? Or am I just writing for my own satisfaction now and then? Either way, it's cool. Just checking.

I'm hungry, dammit. That is all.


lyn said...

i read it. i read everything through an rss feed so i don't comment as much. but yes, i am hanging on every word you write.


Jason said...

I don't know why, but I am addicted to this blog!!

I check it before work, after work and before I go to bed most days!

I don't know if that makes me a good friend or just incredibly weird, but there you go. Keep postin' girl!! haha

Jason said...

One more thing...

Tell Jesse to call me, I texted him a couple of days ago, don't make me kick his ^#* before the wedding!!

Faith said...

Ooh! You're the one texting him! His phone is broken. We're trying to get him a new one through my nifty work-plan, but we have to wait until I get the email from the powers that be saying we can move forward on it before we can, um...move forward on it. :) His screen is shattered, so he can still use the phone, but he can't read anything that comes through on it. (Something about stupid pockets in the chef pants and his car door caused this incident to happen. See, if boys carried purses, you wouldn't have this kind of problem ever.)

I'll tell him to call you...

Anonymous said...

I read your notes all the time. It is great to hear what is going on. Thanks for keeping us informed!

Anonymous said...

I read! And now I can comment!