Friday, December 21, 2007

Just a quick note...

I don't have much going on right now, outside of trying to get through this last day of work before a little holiday we're going to get to have (Jesse and I will be going to my dad's house for Christmas, thank goodness! I can't wait to spend a bit more time with dad and everyone for a couple of days...), and that sort of thing.

I did want to point out that I have added a "blogroll" that links to other sites that I love, love, LOVE, and will be adding to over time. They are wedding related and/or party related, and have GREAT tips and ideas for how to decorate for a party, or what to give a hostess/host at a party you attend, or just sharing pretty dresses that they've found in online searching. A couple of them run contests now and again that are fun to compete for, but for the most part, I visit them just to look at pretty things and get ideas for decorating and entertaining.

Hope everyone has a happy holiday, and I'll be back next week to share some stories of our trip home. Yay!

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